R. Eng. Udo Deeke, 1882 - Salto Norte, Blumenau - SC, 89065-100
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Frequently Asked Questions

- No, this central pin, called a third pin serves to ground the equipment, that is, ensuring the safety of the user.

- The removal of this pin implies the loss of the warranty of the equipment.

- Our freezer is designed to work at room temperature of 35°C with internal temperature ranging from -15°C to -18°C, depending on the model. The product must enter at the lowest possible temperature, or equal to -15°C

- Check that the voltage (127 or 220 volts) is compatible with your region.

- Check the power socket, it may not have power. Turn on another power point.

- Check if the power cord is visibly damaged at any point.

- Check that the thermostat is in the “0” position, this means that the freezer is turned off.

- Do not place the freezer where there is direct sunlight or heat generation such as stoves and ovens.

- Place in a dry and ventilated place.

Attention: the side of the freezer where the compressor is located, needs at least 30 cm of free space, so that the heat is dissipated.

By excess opening of the lid in a short period of time.

When there is high humidity in the air.

When the freezer is used to freeze water in open containers. The evaporation of water causes the formation of ice due to moisture

Note: pay attention to the cleaning procedure of the equipment according to the instruction manual.

The equipment automatically turns off/on when it reaches the desired temperature.

In the event of a power outage, it will automatically turn on after a few minutes.

Access the website www.artico.com.br/contato and select the "technical support" option.

– Tenha sempre em mãos o número de série do equipamento e seu CNPJ.

Register your request informing in more detail what is happening to your equipment in the "Describe what happens to your equipment" field
